Saturday, July 24, 2010

The cat don't want to bathe..

Conversation early this morning between Father and two year old Sasha.

Father: Sasha, pergi mandi Sayang..
Sasha: Taknak!
Father: Kenapa tak nak mandi?
Sasha: Minyu minyu tak nak mandi..(referring to the picture of cat on her shirt)
Father: Aiyoh..(stumped)

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.


Paus Biru said...

Hehehe.. clever girl! Tu la, bapak pun loyar buruk. Padan muka :D

Enche Bon said...


Hahaha, memang padan muka bapak dia. I shall never let her watch too much 'Atashinci' and 'Crayon Shin Chan'..

Have a good week ahead :)