Sunday, January 07, 2007

Man on a mission Part 1

As human, we grow. Initially at a phenomenal rate, then (the rate) slows down and stabilises. A (growth) spurts here or there is not uncommon, but thats how it is. Still remember being a short, round, chubby teen when I was 15, but shot up almost 15cm in a space of a few months after SRP (yes, it was that long ago)...

Over the years, fitness has been a priority of mine. In school, I do not have the silky skills of Maradona, so I opted for basketball, volleyball and tennis instead (actually, I'm a 'kaki bangku'). After school, played six sports in varsity (adding rugby, softball and handball added to the list). When I started working in the banking sector, I worked out most days in a gym and actually ran the sprints in national competition (100, 200 and 4x100m) while continuing to play volleyball and basketball.

When I got the chance to further my study in another varsity (when I was in my late 20s), I was introduced to another sport, quite foreign to the country. Rowing. It was by chance actually, as I was discovered by a national coach at the varsity. With my height and build, I was drafted into the varsity team and upon winning the national title in 1999, was included in the national team in 2000. Lead out to a major regional game in 2001, I was at my leanest (71kg, 6.9% body fat, a VO2Max in excess of 65ml/kg/min)

After that, concentrated on the remainder of my studies and upon graduation, started working. Apparently, lots of hotel functions, local and overseas travel and most importantly, NOT maintaining a healthy lifestyle will take its toll on your body. Over the last 5 years, I have gained almost 25kg. Unfortunately for me, my tall frame hides those extra kilos quite well. At the end of 2006, I weight in at 95kg.

Something needs to be done...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,

Due to participating in multiple sports and for the heinous crime of actually winning competitions, your membership to the society has been revoked.

Wrathfully yours,
Persatuan Kaki-kaki Bangku Sedunia ;p