Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Third Year Itch

I have something to confess. At every third year, I would have some kind of itch. Not the scratchy kind but its no less disruptive. I became restless and at times, work will take a back seat. I crave new challenges. I need a change.

When I was working in a financial institution years back, the first three years was very challenging. then once The Project finishes, I seek newer challenges which I fortunately found in sports. I participated in national level championship, and went to the gym almost everyday. I find solace in the physical activities. 

That is how I survive another three years in the bank. At the end of that three year, I feel the need to find something new, which prompts me to continue my studies in economics at a university when the opportunity arise.

Fast forward to the present time. It has been three years since I joined this organization. It has been a very challenging environment, but somehow I feel that something is missing lately. Maybe I need some new challenges. Or just a break from my routine. Maybe I need to DO just that.

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